Numark Constipation Relief

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Morrisons Laxative Tablets


Read all of this leaflet carefully before you Other medicines and Morrisons Laxative start taking this medicine because it Tablets

contains important information for you: Please tell your pharmacist or doctor if you are Always take this medicine exactly as described taking or have recently taken any other in this leaflet or as your doctor or pharmacist medicines, including medicines obtained without have told you. a prescription. This includes herbal medicines.

   Keep this leaflet. You may need to read it again. This is because Morrisons Laxative Tablets can

   Ask your pharmacist if you need more affect the way some other medicines work. information or advice. Also, some other medicines can affect the way

   If you get any side effects, talk to your doctor Morrisons Laxative Tablets work. or pharmacist. This includes any possible side

effects not listed in this leaflet. See section 4. 'n Particu'ar> teM your doctor or Pharmacist

if you are taking:

What is in this leaflet: • Water tablets (diuretics) such as

1.    What Morrisons Laxative Tablets are and bendrofluazide or furosemide (frusemide) what they are used for • Steroid medicines such as prednisolone.

2.    What you need to know before you take If you are not sure if any of the above applies to Morrisons Laxative Tablets you, talk to your pharmacist or doctor before

3.    How to take Morrisons Laxative Tablets taking Morrisons Laxative Tablets.

4.    Possible side effects

5.    How to store Morrisons Laxative Tablets Pregnancy and breas tedmg

6.    Contents of the pack and other information Tf to y°T phatrmaSisKtl or dfoctor before taking

r Morrisons Laxative Tablets if you are pregnant,

WHAT MORRISONS LAXATIVE TABLETS planning to become pregnant or are breast feeding. ARE AND WHAT THEY ARE USED FOR Driving and using machines

Bisacodyl belongs to a group of medicines known Some people may feel dizzy or faint while taking

as stimulant laxatives. Stimulant laxatives increase this medicine. If this happens to you, wait until

bowel movements. Morrisons Laxative Tablets these ^ feelings go away before driving or using are used for the short term relief of constipation. machines.

Morrisons Laxative Tablets do not help with Morrisons Laxative Tablets contain lactose

weight loss. and sucrose

WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW The tablets contain a small amount of lactose and decide wMiTALrcu^mme sucrose in each tablet. Patients with rare hereditary

pd BAXOREEtABleKS MORRISONS problems of fructose intolerance, glucose-

galactose malabsorption or sucrase-isomaltase

Do not take Morrisons Laxative Tablets if you insufficiency should not take this medicine.

   are allergic (hypersensitive) to bisacodyl or to If h an intolerance to some sugars

-s^ 67^^ of this medicine (listed ^oynOtUachtayVoeu^and0n^0°eraenfCoer^e^aSkC;nngetsSUsg^reS^ icine.

   are intolerant to or cannot digest some HOW TO TAKE MORRISONS sugars (as the tablet contains a small amount LAXATIVE TABLETS

of lactose and sucrose)

•    have severe dehydration Always take this medicine exactly as described

•    have a bowel condition called “ileus” (blockage in this leaflet or as your doctor or pharmacist

in the intestine) has told you. Check with your pharmacist if you

•    have a serious abdominal condition such as are not sure.

appendicitis • Swallow the tablets whole with water. The

•    have severe abdominal pain with nausea tablets should not be chewed or crushed. and vomiting • Milk, antacids or proton pump inhibitors

•    have a blocked bowel (intestinal obstruction) (medicines which reduce stomach acid)

•    have inflammation of the bowel (small or should not be taken within one hour before or large intestine) after taking Morrisons Laxative Tablets. This is

because they will stop the Morrisons Laxative Do not take this medicine if any of the above Tablets from working properly. applies to you. If you are not sure, talk to your

pharmacist or doctor before taking this medicine. Continued over page *

Doses • Discomfort inside and around the back passage For constipation: • Dizziness Adults (including the elderly) and children over

10 years: 1 to 2 tablets at night. ( less n 1 in

Length of treatment • Abdominal cramps or pain These tablets should not be used every day • Diarrhoea for more than 5 days. If you need laxatives • Nausea

every day, then you should see your doctor to Reporting of side effects

fnd the cause of your consflpaflon. RS In?sMcgsalk to your doctor or I

If you take more Morrisons Laxative Tablets pharmacist. This includes any possible side than you should effects not listed in this leaflet. You can also It may be harmful to report side effects directly via the Yellow Card

   Take too much of Morrisons laxative Tablets or Scheme, website:

   Take Morrisons Laxative Tablets for too long By reporting side effects you can help provide This is because taking too much for too long more information on the safety of this medicine.

-    A 'lazy bowel', where the muscle in the HOWtiOiStOiREeM<0RRISONS

bowel becomes too relaxed. This means LAXATIVE TABLETS

that bowel emptying happens less often. • Keep this medicine out of the sight and reach

This can lead to long-term constipation. of children

-    Imbalance of fluid and salts in the body. • Do not take Morrisons Laxative Tablets after This can affect the tightness of muscles the expiry date which is stated on the carton

such as those in the bowel. It can also and blister after EXP. The expiry date refers to affect the salts in the blood. the last day of that month

-    Low levels of potassium in the blood (called • do not store above 25°C

'hypo-kalaemia'). This can make you tired, • Keep the blister within the outer carton dizzy, make your muscles weak and cause • Do not throw away any medicines via an uneven heart-beat. wastewater or household waste. Ask your

-    Dehydration, making you thirsty, feel faint pharmacist how to throw away medicines you and giving you headaches. It can also no longer use. These measures will help mean you cannot pass enough urine. protect the environment.

Ifyoatatke, more of this medicine than you, CONTENTS OF THE PACK AND should, talk to a doctor or go to a toptel OTHER INFORMATION straight away. Take the medicine pack with you,

this is so the doctor knows what you have taken. Morrisons Laxative Tablets contain

The active ingredient (the ingredient which

If you have any questions on the use of this makes this medicine work) is bisacodyl. Each procl^L ask your pharmacist or doctor. tablet contains 5mg of bisacodyl.

The tablets also contain: lactose, maize starch,

possible SIDE EFFEC|S cellulose acetate phthalate, diethyl phthalate,

Like all medicines, Morrisons Laxative Tablets sucrose, povidone, magnesium st®arate,_ can cause side effects although not everybody prege^^Md mans starch, tate, ^T1 (titanium gets them. The following sideeffects may dioxide) and E104 (quinoline yellow). happen with this medicine: What your tablets look like and the

g* effects (affect less than 1 in 1000 oaSacklets are round yellow,

   Severe allergic reactions which may cause pacted H ^yrlindrical plastic containers swelling of the face or throat and difficulty in ^cyS cSnn^bnKppf ic containers breathing or dizziness. If you have a severe Both k t ^ ain 8 10p0 or 40 tablets

alledrgic reacjflon, stopteW ng this medicine ^ ytohupWantttopkn ow more^o^ur mdcne, . 1

   Co^motiosnraofgS intestine mS0krey<°nU»rnC)r pharmacist who can give youwhich causes abdominal pain and diarrhoea)

   Dehydration Marketing authorisation holder and

   Allergic reactions which may cause a skin rash manufacturer

   Fainting Dr. Reddy's Laboratories (UK) Limited

6 Riverview Road, Beverley

Uncommon side effects (affect less than 1 East Yorkshire, HU17 0LD in 100 people)

   Blood in the stools This leaflet was revised in December 2014

   Vomiting Morrisons Laxative Tablets

   Abdominal discomfort PL 08553/0199 4005739


Amended By
